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Домашний стриптиз hd видео, стриптиз в чулках hd видео
Purpose of the brake caliper. Housing; Guides on the calipers, which allow you to set the uniform impact of the pads on the disc; Piston boot to prevent solid particles from entering the brake actuator so that it does not jam; The brake caliper piston, which drives the movable shoe (most often the shoe on the opposite side is attached to the floating caliper and is installed as close to the disc as possible); A bracket that prevents the pads from dangling and touching the disc in a free position, causing a grinding noise; Caliper spring, which pushes the pad away from the disc when the effort from the brake pedal is released; Brake shoe. Basically there are two of them – one on each side of the disc. The fluid drives the brake piston. It pushes the pads towards the disc. The rotating disc is pinched and gradually slowed down. During this process, a large amount of heat is generated. For this reason, the car owner needs to pay attention to the quality of the brake pads. Ретро эро рассказы.
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